BLS7 – You Will Know What You Want

What do you want?
That can be a really powerful question. But not necessarily an easy one to answer.
Sometime ago I came across something called Mimetic Desire. What that means is desires that we have because that is what we are told to have, expected to have, or are in some way influenced to have by our environment (ie, social media, marketing, culture, etc).
But are those really desires that are right and good for us? Do those desires actually fit who we are? Because if they don’t, getting them will not truly satisfy you.
Unfortunately that’s where most people’s desires come from. Not from who they are, but from who and how they are being influenced. So you end up spending all kinds of time and money going after all these things are are somebody else’s ideas of worth and success, but they end up leaving you feeling empty, and you don’t know why.
However, when you get clear about all these things that you know are true to you, then you will have a much clearer sense of what you really need – and what you want.
You can go after the things that you know will give you genuine joy and delight. You will have a clear vision of the life you really want, and you can invest your time and energy in going after that. Not only will you be better off for it, but so will all the people you will now influence to go after what is right and good for them.
So you will know what you really want. You will be clear about where you going with your life. And the confidence you will get from that is something else!
To finding what you want for YOUR Best Life,