BLS5 – You Will Use the Best of You

You will use the best of who you are and what you can do.
This was a huge one for me. I knew I had at least some gifts and abilities and I wanted to use them, but I didn’t know how.
When you get clear on what you do have to offer by way of the things you can do, that is a good first step.
But then we will take a deeper look at which of those skills and abilities are the ones that you most enjoy using. The ones that you do most naturally and easily. And then how can you find ways to make better use of those?
What will probably surprise you like it did me, was that I began to discover gifts I hadn’t even realized I had.
One that was a major AHA! moment for me was one personality test that I took. It came back with Artistic/Creative as high on the results. That one I expected – I knew that one. But it was the other one – with just as high a score – that was one of the biggest, Oh Duh!!! moments I have ever had in my life! And that was Literary. Here was me who was always reading, and writing something or other, with piles of books all over the place, and so on – and yet it had never registered with me that that was a strong ability in my life!
Well, guess what I am doing right now that is part of my best of who I am? And that I deeply enjoy using to help others? My writing!
So come prepared to discover the best of you and how to use that in more powerful and meaningful ways.
To the best of you and YOUR Best Life,