About – My Personal Story
My Best Life Success journey began four decades ago at a time when my life was anything but a best life, never mind any kind of success.
My life was a mess. Oh – it probably looked okay on the outside to others, but I was dealing with very deep depression. I had almost no sense of worth or value to my life. I was doing a dead-end job that had no room for growth. I didn’t have any close friends. I’ve sometimes heard the phrase, “I was looking up through the bottom.” That’s about how far down I felt I was – underneath the bottom!
What made it even worse was that I had no idea what I had done so wrong to end up with a life that was such a mess on the inside! And I had no idea what to do about it either. It felt like a very dark and hopeless place. All I seemed to be able to do was to come home after work, curl up on my bed and cry.
Then one night something shifted inside me. I realized that I could not go on with the way things were. If this was all I had to look forward to in life, thanks, but absolutely – NO THANKS! I just couldn’t face that!
So that night I made a commitment to myself that come hell or high water, I would find a different and better way to live, or die trying.
I think down deep I understood that everything I had based my life on to that point was now up for examination. Everything would be open to being questioned. And that included everything I thought I knew about life and God too. Coming from the very conservative Christian background I did, that was a huge step for me.
I didn’t realize it then, but that commitment began a process of change in my life that is still going on and I am still reaping the good rewards of it.
I’ll share more of that journey as I share my Best Life Success secrets with you.
I am an avid reader and learner. I’ve done a lot of researching and study. And I’ve run a whole lot of that through my personal life to see what works and what doesn’t.
I love to find answers and solutions that really work. And I love to boil that down to the simplest and easiest ways to do things.
And so what I am sharing here is stuff that for the most part has been pretty thoroughly tested and tried.
Remember, back then we didn’t have all the resources and access to information that we have now. But what I did begin to discover was enough that within the next two years, I left my dead-end job, I tried out some different things, and doors began to open to opportunities I could never have imagined earlier. I discovered abilities in myself that I had never been aware of before either.
Just to give you one example of what I mean. Through a very interesting set of circumstances about two years after making that commitment I left a work opportunity that was good but didn’t feel right – even though I had no idea where I would go from there. But within a week I found myself with a new apartment, in a new town, with a business licence to start a home business doing arts and crafts. For someone like me who had been deathly allergic to even the idea of getting into business, that was a huge shift! But there I was! Within several months, I was invited to write an arts and crafts column for the local paper. I had no idea I could be a writer! But there I was – and some pretty amazing things developed out of that. Including that within several more months I found myself starting and leading an artisans’ guild. I had no idea I could be a leader – but there I was. And that was just the beginning.
But what I had at that point was clarity about who I was and where I wanted to go with my life. So when these opportunities showed up, I recognized them as being a good fit for me and where I wanted to go – so I took them!
That’s why I am starting Best Life Success with the Personal Foundation. The clarity you get from that will serve you in very powerful ways.
And just a side note – it wasn’t till years later that I looked back and realized that it didn’t take me that long to get out of the depression once I got clarity about who I was and where I wanted to go – and I have never gone back into that kind of depression again – not even close. Even though I have some tough life stuff to deal with in the years since. No matter what happened, I have always known who I was and I had goals and dreams to go after.
So I know with all my heart that I what I have to share here can make a huge difference in a person’s life. And I know without any doubt that I can wish on anyone else the difference for their life that this has made in mine.
Look, growing this kind of life is not going to happen overnight. Mind you, you have the advantage of getting the all the knowledge and wisdom it has taken me years to learn – and you can probably learn in months what it has taken me decades to learn. But there will still be time needed to start planting the seeds and doing the work of getting to your Best Life Success.
So keep in mind this curve of compounding interest – it works the same for life too.
At the beginning it seems like a lot of effort with not much to show for it, but if you stick with it and keep at it, there comes a time when the curve starts to turn upward – and then you can see the kind of results like I saw two years later when opportunity after opportunity showed up in a short period of time.
So please, if you know in your heart of hearts that you want more for your life, but don’t know what to do or how to do that, come and check this out.
I am currently doing some in-person workshops which you can check out here.
And I will be doing the online version of that soon – so sign up for my BLS Journal/blog for the lastest updates on when that will be available.
And the Best Life Success Personal Foundation program will be coming in 2024.
If you don’t want to wait that long and want to get going yesterday already, get in touch about the Best Life Success Coaching, and I’ll walk you though it in a much faster and more personal process.
Some Fun Odds & Bits About Me
I live in the very scenic foothills of the Canadian Rockies just northwest of Calgary, Alberta, Canada. I never get tired of the awesome views I get to see every day!
I love books – just ask anyone who has been to my place! I could start a library or bookstore of my own. (That’s a dream for down the road – if I ever retire!)
I am a creative – in all kinds of ways, but I got my creative start by developing my artistic creativity. I’m not doing a whole lot of artistic creativity these days, but I love having that around me.
I have founded and lead several arts organizations. I love being around artistically creative people.
I also love being around business people. I started in business doing arts and crafts from home, but have done everything from a retail shop for handcrafts and antiques, teaching arts and crafts, and personal coaching, to running a waste management business, mini-storage, and real estate ventures with my husband.
I love learning. And I love sharing what I learn. I’ve developed and taught a variety of adult courses over the years.
I love heart-to-heart conversations with people who are willing to be real and who want the best from life.
The seeds of Best Life Success began about 20 years ago when one winter I wrote out a dream job idea for myself – one that I had never heard of before – and then shortly after came across a brand new profession called Personal Coaching. To my amazement it was almost exactly what I had described as my ideal job. So I developed my first course and here I am all these years later, still passionate about that!
And I love the Lord. He is absolutely the best and most amazing part of my life! It’s what I’ve been learning about life with Him that made me know I couldn’t keep something this good a secret – it needs to be part of the Best Life Success training. The rest of the training can create some pretty powerful changes for the better in your life, but if you want the best of the best for your life, this is where you will find that!